What people say about working with Kerch

Want to add your own thoughts of working with Kerch? Use the form here.

TEAE: For Friends of all Rootes Group Vehicles

blue convertible at iron bridge

She is a fine Lady.
A great Rep for the TEAE

Bill Marker
Bill Marker Democrat for City Council

Friendly, knowledgeable and speaks non-tech English! Very pleased to have her assistance.

Prospective Client

I spoke with some of your clients that you listed in your proposal and everyone absolutely LOVES you and you come very highly recommended.

Nancy Bodmer
Frederick Heritage

Kerch created an online store on a web site that had problems because of age and numerous managers. She did her magic and figured out how to maneuver around the “web” of our website. Our new on-store is easy to use, looks impressive. Kerch knows the web, its intricacies and adds a artistic touch. Heritage Frederick in Maryland is pleased to have worked with Kerch. You will be too.

Wes Hairston
Friends of Carrie Murray Nature Center

You and your professional services are simply OUTSTANDING! Thank You for all your help.

at WordCamp Lancaster

You know how sometimes you buy a book and one chapter is worth the price of the book?
Your talk was that chapter!

Lynne Johnson
Certified Organizer Coach

Kerch, it is SO RELIEVING to have you in my corner!


Kerch has done a great job with my websites, makes the technical stuff less intimidating, explains what I need to know, and makes me laugh along the way!

And, I have to say, it is so wonderful that when I request that something is done on the website, you do your computer whispering, and content magically appears or disappears on the website. You give fabulous input re our plans, complete things according to the schedule we set up…and are genuinely fun to work with.

Margaret Rome
HomeRome Realty

Margaret Rome

When you are ready to simplify your life…Kerch is the person to hire. You don’t have to have a broken website to get the best service and the best person working for you. My website is trouble free and I adore working with this professional who I also call my friend!

Linda Anderson
Master ADHD Coach of Getting Clear

Linda Anderson ADHD Coach

I feel taken care of!

Hal Meyer
The A.D.D. Resource Center in New York City.

Before I started working with Kerch my site was a mish mash of fonts and colors. I never had (or took) the time to make  anything standard.  The navigation was hit or miss and finding content was dependent on my keeping up a complex list of articles.

Kerch sold me on using the WordPress platform. It makes it easy for me to add and change content so I don’t have to pay for every little change. And Kerch is great when I do mess something up.

Now the site is better organized and search-able. It looks professional. And most important: I’m finally getting business from my website.

Donna Jaroslawski

Donna Jaroslawski

Thank you so much for the fantastic job you did moving my website from the stone age to something I can be proud of.  I am thrilled. The process was all so smooth and painless.   You got the whole package:  technical skills and eye for design.   Thanks!

Susan Davis

I know just enough about website design to be dangerous. Kerch was able to translate my blasé, amateur execution into a crisp, clear online portfolio. Her insight, knowledge and design sense makes me look professional. She listens to my questions and I can understand her answers. Then she takes care of everything! (Just because I’m not a geek, don’t talk to me like I’m an idiot.) Thanks, Kerch.

Maureen Nolan
Past editor of Circle, the monthly newsletter for the ADHD Coaches Organization

Kerch is a creative guide who translates our random thoughts and ideas to everyday language. Great sense of fun with an appreciation for the absurd but for the site, she is a focused developer who designs for the modern web reader.

Executive Director of a national nonprofit organization

We knew our organization’s site had problems. Kerch reviewed it and gave us 12 pages of specific measurable things we could do to increase its value to our visitors.

a visitor to ADHDAwareness2010.org said:

I really appreciate how simple and focused the website is, not just because I had ADHD, hah, but because it makes it easy for people visiting to get the most important information even if their visit is brief.

Have something to say about working with Kerch?

Please let us know!